
My Dog Keeps Gagging/coughing And Spitting Phlegm, What Should I Do?


12 Answers

Nathaniel Hobby Profile
Nathaniel Hobby answered
When a dog is coughing and spitting up phlegm, there are generally three things that could be causing it.  Kennel cough; a highly contagious viral infection that is transmitted primarily in kennel settings.  Allergies; even dogs have seasonal allergies and can have allergy attacks along with their human counterparts.  Genetics:  Some dogs are predisposed to having breathing and coughing issues because of their facial and nasal formations.  Each poses their own challenges but all require a trip to the vet to find out what the actual root cause is.  While there are many available home remedies and tricks used by professionals to treat the symptoms, there is no substitute for finding out the actual cause by checking with your vet.   

Until you know that you are not dealing with kennel cough, it is a safer for all k9 companions in the area to be kept away.  You should isolate your dog until the vet is ready to see them and not expose other dogs to the possibility of a highly contagious bout of kennel cough.  Traditionally these types of infections can be treated with antibiotics and cleared up in time. 

Allergies would be a best case scenario in this situation because they aren’t contagious and they are usually seasonal and are always treatable in one form or another.  Allergies in dogs can be cause by dust, mites, pollen and molds.  The presence of these allergies usually means the owner is suffering from them as well.  Environmental changes can be made, ie a good cleaning, limiting time outdoors when the pollens are heavy, checking for and eradicating any mold present, removing carpeting and heavy drapery that trap and hold dust. 

Genetic predisposition can be managed by using simple tips from your vet to keep the airways clear and combat sinus issues. 

Any way you slice it, get your pooch to the vet to find out.  It will save you a ton of time and worry.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What do you if your dog is gagging and trying to spit up and
nothing don'T want to come up. She is eating and drinking well
qnd using the bathroom. Could she have a dog virus.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog keeps gaging wanting to puke but can't what should I do?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
At night mainly my dog gaggs/snnezes and has trouble getting her breath.  WE have taken her to the Vet/Specialist and now they want to to a MRI or cat scn  $1400.00 to see if it is Allergies, Asthuma or maybe a turmor.  She has had series of shot and medications.  None help and there are days and nights 2 in a row that she is perfecly fine.  No Sneezing or anything.  Any suggestions on what to give her for a stuffy nose.  Thank you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog has been sneezing and coughing after getting neutered and spending a night at the vets a week ago. He was vaccinated for this at the time of his neutering. Could he still get Kennel Cough or could it be allergies?

He was neutered last Monday and the following Tuesday we took him back because he started bleeding. He spent the night at the vets to be watched because of swelling. He was sent home with a E-Collar on which has remained on since. It has been 9 days and he is still swollen and red. Is this normal? He is supposed to get his stitches removed Friday. He is a healthy 5 yr. Old German Shepard.

Thank you,

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
The vaccine for kennel cough doesn't cover all strains of the virus. It's possible that your dog got a version that the vaccine didn't prevent. Also, it takes about a week for the kennel cough shot to be fully effective so he could have been exposed to it before it took affect. I'd take him in for another visit if I were you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
ANY time your dog is gagging and spitting up ... GET THEM TO THE VET ASAP..... That is the first sign of Congestive Heart Failure!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The symptoms above lead me to believe that your dog has what is known as 'kennel cough'. This virus is commonly found in dogs that have been kenneled but is passed around from dog to dog very easily. This means that your dog may not have been kenneled but he/she can still get the virus. It causes a dry cough or gagging and a foamy sort of phlegm, just like the symptoms your dog has shown. I would recommend going to see a vet though because I am not a professional and therefore this may not be the problem with your dog.
thanked the writer.
Stevie Taylor
Stevie Taylor commented
Blurto, Kennel cough isnt as serious as that, all Kennel cough is is a sore throat from barking too much and being around many dogs (i.e. In the Kennels)

This sounds pretty serious, I think the best thing to do is not to ask anyone online, but just take your dog to a vet! Thats what vets are for, ya know!

Good luck, hope it goes well with your ickle doggy! :)
John Mickle Profile
John Mickle answered

Dogs get kennel cough from other dogs; it's "airborne" which means it can be carried from dog to do through the air. It's most commonly found in pounds or kennels where a lot of dogs are housed in close quarters, and the place isn't kept sanitary. You puppy could also have gotten it if he was around other dogs that were coughing or sneezing (like at the dog park, or the pet store). I suggest you Home remedies for cough through this you get instant of knowledge about How do you get rid from  cough .

Where did you get your puppy? Doubtless, that's where he got the disease.

If you recently purchased the puppy from a pet store or "breeder", the seller may be liable for paying for the puppy's veterinary bills. It is illegal to sell sick dogs.

Diana Wills Profile
Diana Wills answered

My cat had a serious problem with seasonal allergies. But it's a house cat that goes out only when we are going to visit a vet or something like that so I solved this problem with something that helped me too - great air purifier for allergies. She was on meds and I slowly could stop giving it to her. So now every year when I know it's that time of year I just keep air extra clean, and we're good :)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog had a lump removed from her side and keeps gagging and now shes spitting up phlem
Julie Woods Profile
Julie Woods answered
Get your dog to a Vet.  It surprises me that you haven't thought of it.  Are you simply trying to avoid paying a Vet...or are all these questions about your need for attention?

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