
What Do Sea Lions Eat?


23 Answers

Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
Sea lions are carnivores and mostly eat different types of fish and some invertebrates like squids and octopuses. Depending on which part of the world they come from, the fishes that they consume can include: Pollock, salmon, herring, capelin, flounder, sculpins, Pacific cod and rockfish. A sea lion can eat as much as five to eight percent of its bodyweight in a day. This works out to around seven to sixteen kilograms or fifteen to thirty five pounds each day. Sea lions usually do not drink large quantities of sea water as most of their requirement is met by the fish they eat. Males fast during the breeding season which takes place ten to fifteen days after the pups are born. Sea lions live to an average age of twenty years, with females generally outliving males.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They eat fish squid and octopus
jaimin patel Profile
jaimin patel answered
Yes they do they eat fish
Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
A sea lion is an aquatic mammal of the suborder Pinnipedia which also includes seals and walruses and the family Otariidae. It can be distinguished from the seal by its ear flaps while a seal has an opening for ears without the pinnae or ear flaps and its method of locomotion using the hind flippers. They are mainly carnivorous creatures and typically consume a large amount of food about 5-8% (15-35 lbs) of their body weight;
they weigh on an average about 500 to 600 pounds.

Their principal food is different types of fish like anchovy, herring, whiting, hake, opaleye, mackerel, cod and salmon. They are also known to eat lobsters, krill, crabs, clams, small octopuses and squids which they track in the water using their whiskers. Their feeding style is typical in the sense that they prefer to swallow their food whole rather than chewing though they posses teeth (34-38 in number) which are used mainly for grabbing and cutting food.

The Steller's sea lion which is the largest sea lion species can grow in case of the males to about 10-12 feet (3.3 m) and weigh 1000 kg (2200 lbs) are known to hunt seals, larger marine creatures as well as penguins.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know they eat fish and squid
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They eat varieties of monkey and tacos in large increments.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They eat feces from their partners, but usually invertebrates and bony fish. Very fast.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know that they eat fish, because I went to Sea World and they fed them fish and squid.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well since they are carnivores they would eat fish in the sea and also invertebrates. Oh and I saw on tv that they eat penguins oh wait is that sea lions?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I don't know if they eat penguins but I know they eat squid and fish but I'm thinking when they get really hungry they will hunt and eat penguin.....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a video of a stellar sea lion eating a salmon shark or a seal, not sure which.
Dave Wiltshire Profile
Dave Wiltshire answered
They mainly eat fish and some invertebrates like squids and octopuses, erm probably other stuff too but that all I can think off

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