Sounds Lions Make
Lions only make a sound when they are exhaling, unlike the house cat that continually make a sound.
Roaring can be used for many reasons and can be from a soft huh to full throated roars heard kilometers away.
Humming is the sound of contentment, like purring, that is emitted during affectionate interactions and while cubs nurse.
Puffing is a sound made when lions approach each other with peaceable intentions, makes a faint pfft pfft sound.
Woofing is a sound made when a lion is startled.
Lions only make a sound when they are exhaling, unlike the house cat that continually make a sound.
Roaring can be used for many reasons and can be from a soft huh to full throated roars heard kilometers away.
Humming is the sound of contentment, like purring, that is emitted during affectionate interactions and while cubs nurse.
Puffing is a sound made when lions approach each other with peaceable intentions, makes a faint pfft pfft sound.
Woofing is a sound made when a lion is startled.