
My Chihuahua Is Weak And Acting Sick And Shaking What Should I Do?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My half chihuahua half shih tzu is acting different almost like he just doesn't want to get up and walk not as lively either, not much of an appetite. What could be the problem?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sorry to hear of your problem.   I have two Chihuahuas and would hate it if they took ill.   Sounds to me, from the symptoms, as if it has ingested something it should not have.   With those symptoms, I would get it to the vet.   Good luck.
camilla Profile
camilla answered
This is happening to my chihuahua puppy too! Trying to figure it out. They're telling me it could be Hypothermia (low temperature). To make sure they drink (you can feed her with a siringe) and keep them warm (wrap her in a blanket or put her on a hot water bottle covered by a blanket). Good luck!
nettie Profile
nettie answered
You have no recourse but to visit a vet with your pet if you don't want it to succumb to the illness the best to you

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