It really depends what the chihuahua is sick with but if its just an upset stomach and perhaps some puking you can give him/her pepto bismol tablets. Many times when my pug has had an upset stomach I will give him one or two tablets depending on the severity and in no time hes good as new. I was told this by a vet a few years back and it has never failed me. Hope this helps.
My chihuahua is panting and shivering a lot and can't go to sleep. His heart is also racing. What could it be? He has had all of his shots.
You need give us more information! What exactly is wrong with your Chihuahua? What symptoms is your Chihuahua having? You can't treat something, if you don't know exactly what the problem is. If your Chihuahua is sick, then the best thing you can do, is to take your Chi to the vet, get him or her properly diagnosed and treated. Chihuahuas can go downhill very fast and if you don't act fast enough, you can lose your Chi. We are not vets and we cannot diagnose your Chi over the Internet. Please take her in to the vet, because the longer you wait, the worse he or she will get and the harder it will be to treat the problem.

3month old and he scratches lot and know I see on his side is missing hair