My Cat Doesn't Drink Her Water For Days. What Does This Mean Or What Could Be Wrong With Her?


4 Answers

Mia Teeliumtrozzle Profile
She could possibly be getting water from another source, but I think most cats do prefer to use their bowl.I think the reason is she does not like water much.There are lots of cats who don't like water(I know a cat called Gysmo who hates it.)Therefore you must give her cat milk instead.You must not give her much ordinary milk, which would make her sick, but you can buy special milk for cats at most pet stores and supermarkets.Give her that and see if she drinks it, which she most likely will.If she still doesn't drink, keep her away from all possible other sources of drinking for a day, and if she only then consumes it then you will know she has another source.If she still refuses, then maybe she has an upset stomach and you will have to bring her to the vet.I hope the Cat milk works though.Good luck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My cat has the same problem. It was worse when she was on dry food and developed a urinary problems that involved bleeding.   Apparently, (passing from vet) this can be the problem with lots of cats that end up on an S/O can food diet. We had to keep her on this for several months until her symptoms cleared completely (as she would start right up again when we took her off, or stole food from other cat.) Now she is better and eating all natural wet food. She LOVES her wet food and after talking to vet many times, I don't think I will feed my cat dry food again! Cats are used to getting a majority of water from their food. I think about this every time Little Girl sneaks her way outside and plops down and eats grass, usually covered in dew!

Also this is the second cat I've had with kidney problems from dehydration. 100 degree summer days in TX---- yep let's get those cats wet food, despite the fact that they are indoor!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
she is most likely finding water somewhere else for example the sink, tub or even outside.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My cat likes warmed up ordinary milk but then she got sick so I did get that special milk at target and she hates it?

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