
How Does A Zebra Care For Its Young?


3 Answers

Robin Burden Profile
Robin Burden answered
Zebras are part of the equid family (also known as the 'horse family') - and, as such, they care for their young in much the same way as a horse would look after its offspring.

How a zebra cares for its young
A foal is the name given to a baby zebra - and is able to walk within a few hours of birth, so mother zebras tend to be cautious and protective of their young.

As mammals, zebras feed their young with breast milk. They are very social animals and usually live in big herds.

However, for the first few days of her foal's life, a zebra will keep her young family away from the group, to prevent them from coming to any harm.

After the initial few days, a zebra and her foals will rejoin the herd.

If you're interested in learning more about the zebra, here are a few resources you may be interested in:

You may also want to have a look at this rather endearing video of a foal taking its first steps:

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They watch them and protect them from bad animals.

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