My Female Staffordshire Bull Is Leaking Green Puss From Her Vagina She Has Had Sex With Another Dog! Could She Be Pregnant Or Is She In Danger Please Help?


1 Answers

KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
She needs to see her vet today. How long ago was the tie? Had you done prenatal confirmation yet? If so was it done by ultrasound and were there pups then (it's also a good way to spot when the uterus is filling with fluid due to infection)? Could be infection like pyometra or a complication from STD (miscarriage/infection) or something like that and those things can become deadly quickly  (in large part because the early signs are subtle and may be chalked up to pregnancy or heat by those that aren't aware and watching for them). In those cases the safest and easiest fix is usually a spay and if she isn't in critical condition yet all the better. Hope she's okay.

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