
Could I Separated The New Born Hamsters From Their Mother?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Step 1Clean the cage and keep it clean. This is an especially important step if the mother hamster has died. Keeping the cage clean will make sure the newborn hamsters will be free from bacterial infections or other illnesses and injuries.

Step 2Make a nest for the newborns hamsters. Toilet paper is an excellent substrate to use for a pup nest. Tear the toilet paper up into small pieces and place it in a built up corner of the cage. Make sure the sides are high enough that the pups won't roll out.

Step 3Place the cage in a warm area without drafts. Remember that if mom hamster were around she would be nestled on top of her pups to keep them warm since they are hairless for quite some time.

Step 4Lower the water bottle so they may reach the water. You can also fill the water bottle with an electrolyte replacement formula to prevent dehydration.

Step 5Feed the hamsters KMR, baby formula or evaporated milk, whichever is readily available. Feed them about three drops each from an eyedropper every hour until they begin to eat solid food. Once they begin to eat solid food you can cut back to one drop every 2 to 3 hours until they are 21 days old.

Step 6Stimulate the pups to urinate and defecate after each feeding by stimulating the genital and anal area with a warm, damp cloth.
Anna Hosmer Profile
Anna Hosmer answered
I don't believe you can put the mom back in the cage. She more than likely will eat them. That's something very common among hamsters to begin with, especially if it's her first litter. Go to your local pet store (i.e. petsmart) & get a can of rabbit milk (something of that nature) & some small bottles w/ small nipples. Make sure to warm the milk up before feeding them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you have touched the babies then DO NOT put them back together if not it should be safe.If they are older then 10 days it should probably be safe ether way.
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
Oh, you have done wrong thing but now you have chance to care them and grow them good. I can give you the steps you should follow to bring the hamsters up. Please click on the following link and you will know everything.

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