My 10 Months Old Chihuahua Wants To Lick My Husband And Myself Constantly. Is This A Sign Of Something We Should Be Concerned About? How Can We Break Her Of This?


3 Answers

Your face contains salts which dogs love...and perhaps your pup simply sincerely loves you!  As far as should you have reason for concern, well I don't think she/he would try to "eat" your face off, so no.  To break her of it:  Wash your face and in a stern voice, look her in the eyes & place your hand in front of your face, careful not to lose eye contact, and simply say, "NO!"   GOOD LUCK TO YOU DEAR...♥NASSY
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's actually a sign that they are stressed or insecure! I have 2 Chihuahuas and one of them licks all the time and it does get irritating!! The vet mentioned a special plug-in which I used but hasn't had any effect and also suggested tablets which I was reluctant to put him on!!
Someone told me to pull his tongue but I thought that was just cruel He gets lots of love but is insecure as he watches me all the time for going out of the room, whereas the other Chihuahua couldn't care less!! Lol
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To dogs, licking is kissing, a sign of affection. So please don't punish your dog for loving you.

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