My Cat Has A Open Wound It Is Small But It Has Puss And Its Smells Really Bad Can You Help?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My cat recently had a large opened wound on the side of her neck and my vet told me it needs to be opened to let the puss/infection out....and to use peroxide diluted with half water 1-2 times a day....just watch it close it may look nasty but she told me as long as that infection can drain and you keep it clean it should be ok...
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
hi, i don't know whether you'll see this or not, but my cat has recently has a small wound which has become bigger on his neck, he keeps scratching and licking the wound i try to stop him doing this but when he's out i obviously can't. does the peroxide not sting them? i have some peroxide that is used for tinting eyebrows can i dilute that and use it?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't put antibiotic cream meant for humans< it will attract dirt and make it way worse

take the cat to the vet
robin scobie Profile
robin scobie answered
When my cat got into a fight with another cat, I used children's polysporin to treat the wound. I also made sure to rinse the wound with a 9% Saline solution every morning and at night, depending upon where the wound is you may also want to invest in a buster collar to put around your cat's head to stop him/her from licking at it.

To rinse the wound I purchased a syringe (an irrigation syringe) and the saline solution from the drug wel as the children's polysporin

Good Luck...hope kitty heals quickly.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try taking him to the vet, or I just put antibiotic cream like neosporin and rapped it up, please don't sew it, it will hurt him but most important you can be charged with abuse and you will be fined so just take him to the vet! Ok
Daniel Martinez Profile
Daniel Martinez answered
You have to take the cat to the vet.!!
They will clean out the wound, disinfect it, then if they have to close it  by sewing it up.
If you cannot afford or you do not have a vet. In your area.
You MUST clean out the wound with proxide & rinse out with clean water. If it is open, you should sew it close by driping for more then 3 minutes a length of white string ( if any...the kind that you sew cloths ) in proxide. Sew the OUTER SKIN shut, leave a small spot open for dranage of discharge. Clean every day.
P.S. You MUST COVER THE MOUTH & PAW NAILS of cat so that it won't hurt you.
If you can put it to sleep... With [[ Chloroform, also known as trichloromethane and methyl trichloride, ]] even better.
Two drops on a tissue inside a strainer, large enough to cover its mouth but it will be able to breath.

thanked the writer.
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Daniel Martinez
Daniel Martinez commented
Antibiotic cream.?..what kind?, there are all kinds that could be harmful to the cat. The antibiotic the vets would give her ? Or him ? Would be internally (a shot) which works faster.
You could wash it a minium of 3 times (morning, afternoon, & night) a day and put the " cream ". Cover it with a gauze and rap it so that cat won't mess with it. If the wound continues to smell, the infection could be deep. You will have to take it to the vet.
To pay the vet back, you could ask him\her if you could clean the office in payment ( called barter =this for that )
Agape love- Danny
Anonymous commented
Non of those things should be handled by anyone who is not a professional. Sewing a cats wound would be very painful for it and should in no way be attempted. Putting a cat to sleep is also something that should be handled by a professional, what happens when the cat wakes up, it will still be in pain.

I am sure there is someone out there that is willing to take the cat in for free or would be willing to take the cat into the vet.
Anonymous commented
Oops - double posted somehow.

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