How Are Lions And Tigers Alike And Different?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lions have brown fur. Tigers have orange fur with stripes. Lions have a large lump of fur on their tale and it also has a mane.
They both have whiskers and HUGE canine teeth. They are predators and they are part of the cat family. They are mammals, too.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Both lions and tigers have many things in common and at the same time they have a number of differences. Lions and tigers belong to the mammalian group and Felidae family. The species to which both these big cats belong are different. Lions belong to the species of Panthera Leo whereas Tigers belong to the species of Panthera Tigris.

Tiger is the largest living cat weighing between 180 to 320 kg, whereas lions are the second largest living cat weighing between 150 to 225 kg. Another difference between these two big cats is in the habit of hunting. Lions hunt in packs whereas tigers are known for hunting alone.

Tigers are mostly found in the Indian Subcontinent whereas lions are now found in Africa and India. There are a number of subspecies of tigers. Tigers differ in colour, size and in the distinguishing stripes. Compared to tigers, there is very little differentiation between lions.
erin saylor Profile
erin saylor answered
Lions have longer legs and are shorter in length but taller in height, just like how the cheetah is built. Tigers have incredibly short legs and a skinny rat tail. Tigers have more of a 'pot belly' than lions. But they are both part of the feline family and are both over rated- I mean, uh, large and stuff
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tigers have stripes, while lions are a tawny buff
color. Male lions have a mane, while tigers have a ruff of fur around
the face. Tigers are longer, more muscular, and are usually heavier than
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Prides contain up to 3 males and 11 -13 females!!
Very territorial
Live around 13 years
When a male takes over a pride it kills all the cubs
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lions and Tiger both hunt for there food and they also eat preys and they both part of the big cat family and
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tigers are striped and lions grow manes
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I hade a projct about this offsprings are both called cubs tigers hunt alone while lions hunt in tribes
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tigers and Lions are part of the big cat family, they are predators and they eat fresh meat, of course because they can't cook.

This person who wrote this is AWESOME!!! JK!! Hope this info helped you out!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They are alike because they are both big cats they are different because they don't look the same

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