I Think That My Dog Has A Broken Rib But I Am Unsure And Paranoid To Go The Vet Because Our Last Dog Died Due To An Error That A Vet Made. What Should I Do?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The vet can't do anything that you can't do at home. The vet would require most likely over 1,000$ in treatments with surgery's and stuff, when in reality you can fix it at home. They have dog aspirin for pain, get an Ace wrap and wrap the waist where it is broken and keep the wrap on for a few hours at a time for at least a week. Make sure the dog gets plenty of rest. I have had a dog with a broken rib and this did work. I heard the idea from 2 other people who said it also worked for them.  If you are like me and do not have money for a overpriced vet bill that is almost as much as a persons hospital bill then at home remedy is your best bet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My toy poodle has 2 broken ribs from being thrown by neighbors pet. I took her to vet they did xrays and put her on pain medicine. She will require bed rest and very limited activity for 6 weeks. I was able to take her home right away, The only thing you can do is limit activity and hope it heals
Adi Hadzavdic Profile
Adi Hadzavdic answered
Feel the rib if there is a gap in the rib then take the dog to the vet right away?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am sorry you had such a terrible experience with your last dog.  To best take care of this dog you need to have him examined by a veterinarian.  Broken bones are painful and your veterinarian can confirm the rib is broken then prescribe pain medication.  It would be cruel to do nothing and leave your dog in pain.  I am also concerned because trauma severe enough to cause a broken rib may have done some other internal damage.  Your dog needs to be thoroughly examined and at least have some x-rays taken.
There are veterinary internal medicine specialists available--these doctors have undergone additional training.  This may make you more comfortable with your dog's care.

Sheyna Steiner Profile
Sheyna Steiner answered
Wow that first answer is dangerous and wrong. Aspirin is dangerous for dogs and there are many complications that can come from a broken rib. At the very least dogs need pain management as much as humans do. Shame on you for skimping on vital treatment for your animals.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You got to face your fears. Your dog needs medical attention. If you don't trust your vet then get a new one. But your dog might die if it doesn't get to a vet and fast.

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