What Could Be Possible Cause Of My Cat's Foaming Saliva Followed By Vomiting After Eating? The Foaming Saliva Is Preceded By An Awful Rasping Chewing Sound. She Is On Prescription Recovery Diet From Royal Canin Because She's Very Anorexic.


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Rabies is very rare in domestic pets and foaming at the mouth is not diagnostic for this disease.  If you have any concerns about rabies contact your veterinarian.
Foaming at the mouth signifies nausea or a taste reaction.  This nausea may be why you cat is not eating in the first place.  Medical causes of nausea and vomiting need to be ruled out with bloodwork and if appropriate imaging (x-rays and ultrasound).  Common problems include kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and cancer.
Next if the teeth are truly the problem your cat needs to undergo anesthesia, have an oral exam, dental cleaning, and abscessed teeth extracted.
Have your cat re-examined by a veterinarian.  Once a cause is found it can be treated.  In the mean time your veterinarian can treat symptomatically with anti-emetics, pain medication if appropriate (abscessed teeth are painful), and appetite stimulants.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
The antibiotic is a shot that is active for 14 days, so I doubt it is a reaction to that, as the vomiting occurred before she got it. She initially came in to the vet with green exudate coming out of her left nostril only, with not much sneezing, so I am thinking since it is unilateral it is not calicivirus or another URI. My other cat is fat and sassy. I looked in her mouth under restraint and although her teeth are crusted brown, the gums around them are no worse than they have been for a couple of years, they are pink with red at the gumline of the teeth. She is voiding three times a day and stooling, although the stool is hard, probably because I see that she doesn't drink much water (I give her Brita filtered water only). She will sit quietly with her haws at quarter mast for awhile on her heating pad, then out of nowhere she will perk up and have an appetite, eat some of the RS diet, and about 3/4 of the time not have any emphasis at all. On an empty stomach, about half the time, she will do this weird raspy toothgrinder retch thing, generate a huge gob of foamy saliva (like 30 ml worth), then vomit repeatedly until her stomach is empty; a half hour later, she will eat again, no retching or vomiting at all. That's the part I can't figure out: the retchy grindy foamy saliva thing. It's almost like she's doing it on purpose, but dang that can't feel good! Her pupils are reactive, her coat is soft and sleek, she is responsive to petting and even sleeps on my neck purring all night, no discharge now from nose or eyes, and she has hypo bowel tones x 4.

I am planning to continue feeding her this RS diet mixed with meat baby food (chicken, turkey, beef) until I get a pound or two on her at least (she's 4.4 lb last weigh in, all bones!), then I'd like to have the vet do a lab workup on her to rule out infection, kidney, thyroid or liver problems, and then do the dental work, but she's too weak and wobbly to go under the anesthesia right now.

So the problem is this rechy vomiting thing: why so random, and what the heck is she doing with that grindy sound? Any suggestions on putting weight on her faster? Thanks!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have an 11yo Siamese mix neutered chubby cat (12lbs) who started having the foamy thick mucus saliva vomit/spitting up issue this past Friday night, and I took him into the vet Sat. They did a full diagnostic and didn't find anything except for a lot of gas in the intestines... So they sent me home with some bland (Hill's I/D) food and told me to give him 1/4 a Pepcid AC twice a day to see if he was better in a couple days.

He was not better on Sunday, and so I took him to the referred internal medicine vet. After they did more xrays, an abdominal ultrasound and sedation to insert a scope and check his throat, stomach and colon... All looked normal, and the summary?

They think it is a throat or nasal issue... Since a new cat came into the house with an URI or cold... This foam is possibly the equivalent to what humans get when we have phlegm, but he is having a hard time expelling this... So my cat is on Baytril for the next couple days... But he can't swallow well, so I am crushing that, as well as the appetite increaser and anti-nausea and Pepcid AC into a powder and mixing it with some canned turkey juice so that I can squirt it down his throat.

RECOMMEND (to Increase Weight)
1) Hi Calorie Gel
2) Hill's Science A/D (or Hills I/D - which is bland... In the new consistency)
3) Anything fatty that you cat will eat (chicken, bacon, etc)

My cat does the grinding after burping up something awful, I shoot some dental rinse into his mouth and it seems to help... His teeth are usually good, but currently inflamed with lots of gingivitis... I think this is related to the infection and inflammation from the cold / infection.

Let me know if you want to ask me more questions directly and I will share all my information.

Colleen-Elizabeth Donnelly Profile
Well foaming at the mouth sounds like rabies but if shes on medication but a vet she may be having an alergic reaction to the meds or diet my cat also vomits after eating sometimes as well and we give her a paste type medicine called hairball remedy which stops it because your cat may just be having trouble with hairballs as they cause gagging vomiting after meals coughing and constipation but you should also seek veterinary help

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