Disregard the smarta** remarks....I'm sure you feed your dog if your online concerned about his/her stomach making noise:)....my shih-tzu's belly was making loud noises that accually woke me up today...I beleive it was due to a small change in his diet,usually I feed him boiled chicken or beef,along with rice&carrots or even pasta or pastina,very bland.but last nite I had some of moms leftover chicken noodle soup&I blended it up like usual &fed him,now this am his belly is gurgling&hes acting funny...it may have been too fatty or just too rich in salt&other ingredients...I did some research&read a few vetinarian blogs&they recomend o.5 mg of PEPCID(ant-acid)for every kilogram the dog weighs,1lb =about a half a kilogram...you can do this evry 12hours if it persists obviously bring him to the doggy doc:)hope I helped&I hope your lil guy/gal feels better!!!
Most probably, your dog is suffering from canine bloat. This is a condition that develops as a result of filling of air or gases in the stomach after eating. These gases put pressure on the surrounding organs of stomach and stomach can be twisted leading to death if not checked on time. Following are reasons of canine bloat.
- Nervousness
- Stress
- Dry foods
- Overeating
- Eating rapidly
My dog died due to a sudden bout of acute pancreatitis.. Get your dog to a vet ASAP!
What other symptoms your dog is showing? Gurgling sound from the intestines of the dogs can be due to canine bloat which is also called gastric dilation. If he has swollen belly, unproductive vomiting, and not eating then take him to vet for diagnosis and treatment because this condition can be life threatening.
My 7 lb chihuahuas's ( Jackson) stomach has been making strange loud gurgling noise for about 2 years. If you out your hand on his lower right abdomen you can feel his intestines moving around. He had a bowel movement about an hour ago and it smell really foul and he is just laying around. What should I do?
Most probably, your dog is suffering from canine bloat.
I am having the same issue with my 2lb Yorkie his belly is gurgling and he won't eat. I have been checking out websites and I saw an article from another lady who's dog had colitis for 2 years. She found this herbal stuff that she said works great I am going to order some. The website is www.doghealth.co.uk and the stuff is called Moor Gold - get the liquid. Let me know who it works for you and I will do the same.dpatt1952@hotmail.com
Indigestion hungry go to a vet
Its probably hungry or its stomach is upset you can tell if its stomach because they will start to eat GREEN plants
I believe the noises are gas or just digestion.
My dog does the same thing just let the dog sit it out it's stomach just hurts o it doesn't stop after a day see a vet
Stomach Is Making Loud Gurgle Noises
Stomach Is Making Loud Gurgle Noises
Could be that its hungry or its just digesting food.
My 2 dogs live in a small shelter I built in the back yard. They hunt local squirrels and other small rodents for food. I would suggest switching your dogs diet to rodents. I would start by using store bought animals like hamsters to get them used to it and then begin training on how to hunt small rodents. You can get the complete guide on amazon
That just means that shes on her way out.. Her body is slowly decomposing and fermenting until she turns into a blob of yellow snot.