Nothing is wrong with your pet. There are anal glands that overflow causing the smelly juice. You can periodically take your dog to the vet and have them squeezed out.
Well with my dog this happens too. This is usually when he opens hia anal glands after a couple of days it goes away. You could try giving your dog a bath that usually works for my dog. If the smell stay for more than 4 days start to be aware. If it lasts longer or the smell gets ingreasing worse try to bring your dog to a vet. Good luck
My dog did the same thing. He kept getting infected anal glands. Finally, after several visits to the vets, and paying quite a bit of money, I asked what could be done . Long story short, I had his anal glands removed, and there hasn't been a problem since!
It could be something it eats so maybe try putting it on a different diet