It depends how much you ate of it. But rat poison can be deadly. Fortunate for you, you were lucky.
It depends on what kind of rat poison you decide to eat. For instance, if you eat De-Con, you will be eating warfarin, a drug used in hospitals as a "blood thinner". It actually prevents blood from clotting. If you or a rat eats enough warfarin, you won't feel sick, you'll feel thirsty. This is because you and the rat are bleeding internally and the decreasing amount of blood in your blood vessels gives rise to a BIG thirst.
My question to you is; why did you eat rat poison? Was it intentional? Was there some food or drink laced with rat poison? Did you see a doctor? AND, are you having any health issues at the moment?
No it can be really helpful for your body and help you live longer
You will die