My Dog Has Parvo He Will Drink But Wont Eat I Got Him To Eat Once Last Night But He Wont Eat Again Today Been To The Vet But Isn't Helping Should I Put Him Down?
How old is your dog? Parvo is a sometimes fatal infection of the intestinal tract. If left untreated, your dog may die a painful death. What did your Vet do for him/her? He needs antibiotics and plenty of fluids to heal. Offer bland food (boilded chicken and rice or baby food) and plenty of water or something like gatorade or pediolyte. You may want to try another Vet and get started on a vaccine program.
Many dogs survive parvo, although smaller breeds and breeds like Dobermans and Rottweillers are often more difficult to treat.
Keeping him hydrated is the main thing. I'm surprised the vet didn't admin him for fluid therapy. There is another product on the market called Lectade that a lot of vets use to help rehydrate dogs. Antibiotics are unlikely to help as it's a virus and the only way a parvo dog would be able to have them would be through injection, which would require a vet. Vitamin pills are pointless because he is also unlikely to keep those down either.
I personally would take him to another vet. It doesn't sound like your vet is treating him properly and has obviously not explained the situation to you enough.
One correction to the above comment is that Parvo is spread through the faeces, so it's usually spread by ingestion of faeces of an infected dog, although I guess if a dog stepped in the faeces and then licked it off his paws, it could spread by the feet to...
Also I wouldn't be considering a vaccination program at this point. When the dog is already infected, his body can't produce the antibodies needed to respond to the vaccination. This will mean that it will either make him even sicker than he already is, or at the very least it will be completely useless because the immune system is already attacking the parvovirus. Once he is cleared then you can look at an appropriate vaccination program.
If he has parvo he needs to be treated go to another vet right away. They will hook him up to an IV with fluids and antibiotics. They are very aggressive antibiotics and they are amazing. He needs them. They have to keep him 4 or 5 days my sister did this and it saved her dogs life. He is 14 years old and is amazingly healthy for his age.
Get him to a vet who will take him in and he may not want to eat much after hes been treated but long as hes eating a little bit and drinking he will be ok. But you got to take him to see the vet.
Viruses need to be "chased" out of the body. You will find differing views about what you can give to a dog, but I've found at least two sources where there is some level of "ok" to giving dogs a home remedy made up of Ascorbic Acid and Garlic. You need to check with sources you feel are comfortable, but do check. Ascorbic Acid strengthens the immune system and makes it impossible for a virus to live, in the proper measure. Garlic is a natural antibiotic which kills both bacterial and viral infections.
In the administration of fluids, do not use a syringe. You won't give enough water that way. Buy an animal bottle that looks like a baby bottle that is made for animals, which you hold and squeeze while the animal drinks from the nipple. My cat Simon when he was about eight years old suddenly and inexplicably stopped drinking his water. For about ten months I provided him with his water through a bottle. Find instructions about how to position the bottle, etc. For giving water to the dog this way. You should definitely supplement him with vitamins by pill form or mix it with the water. But do not give up on your dog.