
MY DOGS EYE Is Half Closed And Her Second Eye Lid Is Half Closed Too, What Should I Do?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog has the same symptoms - what causes this and what can I do
alexis oswald Profile
alexis oswald answered
You should take her to a vet she probably has a bad eye infection and its starting to swell to where you can't see it and makes her eyes swell shut
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm having the same issue. I rinsed his eye with saline solution and put some terramycin ointment on his eyelid thinking he must have an  eye infection. At first it appeared that it was really improving and the red became light pink and the eye was almost fully open but  then just today he is holding it closed again and the second eyelid is half covering it again making it look bluish. It looks like he is trying to keep it closed as if it hurts when he opens it. This is leading me to believe that it might be a scratch  from rubbing his head in the bushes and it did some physical damage. I'm going to have a vet take a look at tomorrow.

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