If your dog eyes are closed there is nothing you can do at home for it. I suggest you get your dog to a vet, ASAP! My dog's left eye was red and swollen about a month ago. I took him to the vet thinking it was pink eye. It turned out to be glaucoma. The vet said he was in an immense amount of pain and a week later he had his eye removed. The main thing here, is to make sure your dog is not in pain and timing could be everything when it comes to it's vision.
Oh my god! Are you serious? I would say go to the vet and get it checked out right away! I am sorry for that... I don't know what else to say! Good Luck... If the news is good or bad reply to my question but you don't have to answer it.
Okay I have a dotson puppy and she is 4 months old. I bought her a new collar tonight and got her a new toy and within a few hours of me putting the collar on her and giving her the toy her eye started swelling up and shutting. I'm getting really worried about her. Do you think it is just an allergic reaction? She doesn't act like she is hurting, her left eye is just swollen.
Well first check if he is breathing (if he is a puppy its normal). Next take him to the vet right away!
It is normal for Puppies (all breeds) are born with eyes and ears closed and they are helpless. They will not be able to control their temperature on their own - they stay snug with mom. It takes about two to three weeks for them to open their eyes.
Take your pet to the vet and on the way trie to put a worm cloth on its eye if it wont let you then don't do it.
Definatly Take 2 vet And I agree Do not waste time it is VERy serious
What I did is I just rubbed her head and trying to help her open her eyes but really gently and just keep rubbing her head and in a few minutes she will be back to normal...that is what I did with my dog and now she is fine and playful. But keep a eye on her just in case if something is wrong or is acting weird.....AND be careful with your dog they are very fragile