
What Type Of Fish Can Live With Guppies?


4 Answers

Maddie Fell Profile
Maddie Fell answered
Well with my guppies I have had ...
>black moores (4 fish)
>yellow comet (1 fish)
>shibunkin fish(2 fish)
>a yabby (female 1 yabby)
>snails (big/medium 11 snails)
>gold fish (fantail 5 fish)
>barbs (6 fish)
and they all lived happily together exept my yabby ate all the black moores, 1 of the shubunkin fish, 5 of the snails and all my gold fish
but you can also have
>neon tetras
>and almore visit some guppy web sites you will find a lot more advice than I just gave you hope I helped
Savannah Steele Profile
Savannah Steele answered
NOT platies. My class put them in the same tank. Next morning, there was only one fish. If you know what I mean.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Pleck's, swordtail's, loach's, tetra's, glass catfish  ,corry dorris catfish, molly's
I had a specialist pleck tank with zebra plecotia  which you you can't get anymore as they don't breed in captivity and there protected now the guppy's were just a good filler lol
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to be careful with guppies.  They are nippy fish and like to bite the tails of other fish.  They can kill fish that have the same tail type as they do.  Really the only fish you can safely put with guppies are Pladdies.  And if you are breeding your guppies, definately keep them away from other fish, as mothers can be very mean.  Ask you pet shop what kinds of fish wold be good for you guppy tank.  Fin, Fur, and Feathers web-sight will answer any of your questions.  Have fun with your guppies!

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