My Maltese Has Bad Itch, What Should I Do?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a Maltese rescued from the pound. He smells worse than any animal I have ever smelt, even half an hour after a bath with expensive specialist shampoo and conditioners. It has cost over a thousand dollars so far in trying lotions, changes of food, antibiotics, hypoallergenic diet, ripping out all the possibly toxic plants in the whole garden etc!! Still no better!!! We cannot pat him without running to wash our hands straight away. Horrible when visitors touch him and turn up their noses. Teeth and gums are great, ears no worries, full flea tick and worm treatments, but almost blind because each time the skin flares up, his eyes stop producing tears. No wonder he was sent to the pound. What else can I try?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It can be food allergy so change its food and see the results. Try to add high omega fatty acids that keep the skin healthy. There is a supplement known as Canine Lipiderm, which is very helpful in this regard. Keep your dog healthy by giving it bath on regular bases and see if there are mites or fleas there, which are causing itching. Is not there any other symptom like hair loss or crusts? If no then it can be a hygiene problem or diet allergy.

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