
What Is Gastroenteritis In Cats?


2 Answers

Kathryn Wright Profile
Kathryn Wright answered
Gastroenteritis in cats is the same condition as it is in humans, which means an inflammation of the gut lining. This is normally accompanied by acute vomiting and diarrhoea, although these could be signs of other illnesses in your cat.

Vomiting and diarrhoea are the most common symptoms of gastro-enteritis in cats.

It is necessary to consult the vet immediately in the following cases:

  • If blood is noticed in the cat's vomit or diarrhoea
  • If he or she is unable to keep any fluids down for more than 24 hours
  • If the cat is experiencing severe abdominal pain
Causes of gastroenteritis are:
  • Food poisoning is the most common cause for bacterial gastroenteritis, and may also lead to viral gastroenteritis.
  • Contaminated water - Drinking water that is contaminated with human or animal faeces can cause gastroenteritis.
  • Antibiotics - Certain antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria that live in the stomach and intestine. This makes them susceptible to bacteria that can cause gastroenteritis.
Treatment for gastroenteritis in cats
Most cases of gastroenteritis can be treated at home using self-care techniques. Make sure that your cat drinks a lot of water to replace what they have lost through diarrhoea and vomiting.
If the dehydration case is very serious, veterinary treatment is required.
If your cat is like mine and won't drink from a plate or bowl, I would advise buying a water feeder that you would normally put into a hamster's cage and holding it to your cat's mouth.
My cat seems to prefer the running water and this always encourages him to drink.  Antibiotics are normally not suggested for the treatment of gastroenteritis.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Gastro means stomach, enter means intestines, and itis means inflammation.

So - simply put, gastroenteritis is an inflammation/irritation of the stomach and intestines.

There are many causes of gastrointestinal upset in cats. Have your cat examined by a veterinarian if your cat is having a stomach upset for a proper diagnosis.

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