Parvo is a condition caused by a virus. In dogs, this condition is caused by a virus called canine parvovirus. This virus spread from the feces of infected dogs and contaminated objects. Its symptoms are diarrhea that can be bloody, vomiting and dehydration.
Dogs can not get parvo from cats because canine parvovirus cause infection in dogs only while feline parvovirus that is also called feline distemper virus causes sever gastroenteritis in cats only. Feline distemper virus is also contagious and more common in kittens.
So, feline parvovirus can not cause parvo in dogs.
Dogs can not get parvo from cats because canine parvovirus cause infection in dogs only while feline parvovirus that is also called feline distemper virus causes sever gastroenteritis in cats only. Feline distemper virus is also contagious and more common in kittens.
So, feline parvovirus can not cause parvo in dogs.