Parvo (specifically Canine Parvovirus 2 or CPV2) can live in feces and a yard for approximately one year. The only way that you can kill it is to use a bleach mixture in the yard (which will kill the grass). Without treating your yard, it is recommended that you wait at least one year before placing a new dog in a known-exposed area.
I've been trying to research this on the www. And I can't get a strait answer some say 6-9 months and it varys right to indefinately. This seems to be a very indefinately disease I have a puppy of 8 weeks with 1 shot and its driving me mad keeping her locked up I had a infected puppy 18 months ago in the yard and I'm to scared to let her out so I'm going to make the assumption that its not safe until a week after her final vaccination.
Canine parvo virus is contagious and fatal because it can cause dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting leading to death. This virus is resistant to many disinfectants and can survive for at least one year out side the host. Luckily, vaccine is available which give protection against this virus.
Where do you bury a dog that has died of parvo? Does the disease remain live with the dead dog?