
My Cat Started Her Labor Last Night. She Had One Undeveloped Kitten. How Long Before She Delivers The Others. Should I Be Concern?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It can take a few hours between each one being born,and up to 24 hours for a whole litter and maybe longer for first time mothers,but as one was born underdeveloped it is a concern,so I would advise you to contact a vet to see whats going on, as she may have problems giving birth to others that may be inside.
Linda Thomas Profile
Linda Thomas answered
Pleas contact a vet as having an underdeveloped kitten could mean she is having problems,it does take a few hours between births and up to 24 hours for the whole litter,but as she has had one that is not properly developed its best to contact a vet without further delay.

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