
My Boxer Has 2 Blister Like Pimples Around His Mouth What Are They?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are several things that these lumps may be. Dogs can get chin acne so these may in fact be pimples. Infections at the base of the hair follicle or superficial skin infections are possible. These lumps may also be papillomas--warts; these occur in young animals, they are benign and will go away on their own. Another benign tumor of young dogs are called histiocytomas--these appear as red, raised, sometimes ulcerated, and will also regress on its own. There are also cancerous masses that can develop in dogs--boxers are prone to mast cell tumors and these also are red, raised, dermal masses. Your dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian to identify these lumps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi! My boxer puppy is 11 months old and has numerous red blister like bumps on his chin and around his whiskers. The bleed when he scratches. I'm going to take him to the vet if this doesnt regress but my question is what can I do for him in the mean time? Someone said that it is boxer acne? Lol and they also said that it should go away. Is this true?

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