How Often Does A Pet Duck Lay An Egg?


22 Answers

James Milford Profile
James Milford answered
Female ducks become mature enough to begin laying eggs whenever they are 16 weeks old. Under the right conditions, most breeds of ducks can lay an egg every day or every other day. Ducks moult twice a year. Each moulting period lasts about 6 to 8 weeks. During this time, they are incapable of laying an egg. Having a drake living near the duck can enable the duck to lay more eggs than it normally would. In this situation, there is the risk of the eggs becoming fertilised by the drake.

In order for the duck to lay the maximum amount of eggs, they must be properly cared for. Proper care of a duck involves providing food with adequate nutrition, having plenty of shelter from the weather.  Ducks are also at risk for injury and disease and should be kept in a clean and safe area to minimise their risk. Ducks are social creatures; therefore they need love and affection in order to be happy. Having more than one duck or having constant interactions with a single duck is the best way to prevent loneliness and depression. Ducks enjoy being around water and love to play with toys. A happy and healthy duck is likely to produce more eggs.

A duck’s laying habits depend a great deal on the quality of its living conditions. The quality of a duck’s lifestyle affects the quality of the eggs it produces. A highly nutritious diet and a disease-free lifestyle allow the duck to produce eggs of an optimal quality. The amount of affection a duck receives has a direct effect on its happiness. This in turn affects the amount of eggs it produces. Ultimately, it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure the duck has everything it needs to produce a large quantity of eggs.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have been raising ducks for 5 years now. I have giant pekins,dark rouens,magpies, and my main egg layer a black runner. She is the only one left of four and last year she laid almost 400 eggs. She started laying at the beginning of March and stopped in November. I can only tell which eggs are hers because they have a greenish tint to them. I only have six girls left and I am getting 3 to 7 eggs daily. They lay in the morning, no later than noon.
Julii Brainard Profile
Julii Brainard answered
We used to keep ducks.

It has to be a female (bit obvious, I know, but never hurts to state the obvious). At least 16 weeks old.

Assuming that they are well-nourished, and get a decent dose of natural daylight every day (at least 8 hours) they will probably lay an egg every day of the year, except for a 6-8 week period when they are moulting.

They lay more eggs (in my experience) if there is a drake kept with them. Their eggs do not store as long as chicken eggs though; the shells are a bit more porous so more prone to bacterial invasion.

Ducks make a lot of bottom mess and they tear the garden up something incredible; having helped a friend keep chickens I think that chickens are easier to keep for eggs, but duck eggs have better flavour, and the ducks themselves are a bit more robust; less inclined to disease.
sweetboy surendar Profile
This varies from one breed to another and duck to duck, for example a
White Pekin can lay between 100 to 180 eggs per year. Next example, a
Khaki Campbell lays 200 to 300 eggs per year!( "A Guide to Better
Hatching",Janet Stromberg author)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ducks lay once they are around 5 or 6 months old and depending on the breed will lay up to 340 eggs in a year.  Some breeds lay a  lot less.  Ducks will lay eggs whether or not they are run with a drake and you can eat fertilised eggs as long as you collect them regularly.
Answer submitted by
Josh Curran Profile
Josh Curran answered
I have a pet muscovy that lays about 15 eggs 4 times a year and in one year (because I have a drake) I got 70 ducklings because I got lucky and she layed extra
Candace Junkin Profile
Candace Junkin answered
My muscovy girls lay and egg everyday throughout the spring, summer and fall. They seem to slack off in the winter to give their bodies a break. A female will lay a clutch of 12-30 eggs before she sets. She will set for about 35 days before the babies hatch. If you want to let her hatch some they are very very good mothers. If not, collect the eggs and eat them. They make the best omelettes ever!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Aylesbury duck originated from Aylesbury,  Buckinhamshire, Great Britain. Your duck will lay more eggs because she can lay 35-125 eggs per year. Eggs are of white color with greenish tinge. These ducks are heavy and superior meat breed with mature males weighing approximately 10 pounds and mature females, 9 pounds.
Candace Junkin Profile
Candace Junkin answered
My females ( pekins, runners, black swedish, rouen, silver appleyards and muscovy) lay every day through spring, summer and fall. They slack off in winter to give their bodies a break. My pekins seem to lay longer than than others. It's January and I'm still getting an egg a day from each of them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It also depends on the breed of duck you have, some are very prelific layers usualy utility birds breed specifically for this purpose (such as kharki campbells), however some more ornamental breeds of ducks (such as call ducks) lay a very small amount per year as they are breed for different purposes.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have 4 Aylesbury ducks and they have just started laying - it's gone form 1 a day to regularly 3 a day with a peek of 6 on one day.
Celina Hyo Profile
Celina Hyo answered
Well,it deepens on how old they are. From a duckling to about 5 months they can't lay.
But about the 6 month the lay with or with out a male.
So they about 2 eggs a day.
If you have a male it will hatch if you don't get it early in the morning.
Arnold Calvin Profile
Arnold Calvin answered

Ducks lay eggs all the time, and in the wild, they have to work a lot
harder to find food. If you're feeding them healthy duck food, you can
have your eggs and eat them too

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
About one a day in spring very few in winter some in fall and I have no idea how many in summer
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have 2 Aylesbury ducklings, I'm sure one is a female but due to them only being 8 weeks old I am waiting for the "quack" to try and tell.  If I have a girl, what age will she start laying?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For ducks and chickens to lay eggs what kind of nest do they need I have them in a enclosed pen that is of big size. Do they make there own nest or do they need help?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have 2 goose (Native from Isabela Province)
1 male and 1 Female
I just bought them and they are scared of humans, I want the female to lay eggs, but how? With Male goose, the female lay eggs early?

Answer Question
