
Do I Need To Give Water To Kittens?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As long as they are nursing from the mother cat, they do not need to be supplied with water. When they reach three weeks of age, they will start weening away from the mothers breast and will start growing baby teeth. They will still drink milk from the mother until they are 6 to 8 weeks of age, but at 3 weeks they should be provided with water as well. This is also when they will start experimenting with eating solid food.
Miss Kitty Profile
Miss Kitty answered
No.  If you are referring to kittens that are still nursing from momma. They get all they need from her. But water should be made readily available to her as well as kitten food. The kitten food has higher fat content and it is what the kittens will be eating when they get a bit older. So, to answer the question, don't worry if they're not drinking water as long as they are still nursing but keep the kitten food and water near to momma-cat so that she can be with them and still meet her own needs. Plus the kittens will have access when they are ready to try it! Hope this helps!
Jodi Something Profile
Jodi Something answered
Just keep a bowl of water where they can get at all the time. They will drink when they are thirsty. They will take the right amount of that they need.
maria Profile
maria answered
How old is the kitten is the main question. My kitten is 12 days old .I am still bottle feeding it and I also give it pedialyte so it don't get dehydrated. I give it 1 ounce of water a day. Hope this helps you
Mary Ann Cassidy Profile
Yes you do.  They need fluids.  Regular milk constipates them, but you can get a type of kitten milk at the grocery that is safe.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How much water should I give my 5 month old kitten a day? He is hurt and won't eat or drink and I want hin to have enough fluids.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My cat gave birth the other day. Today we watched the kittens climb out of their box for the first time. You should've seen the looks on their little faces - it was like "Why the hell am I in the middle of a lake?"

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