There could be many reasons why your dog is not excreting in a normal manner and why the poop is soft. It would depend on how soft the excrement is and how long the problem has being going on for.
The following explanation lists a number of examples but is by no means a diagnosis. To make sure that your dog is not ill it is always best to consult a vet as they will be more knowledgeable about the reasons and treatments for your dog. Vets can be expensive but their training equips them to be able to diagnose animals properly and help your animal to get better, therefore questions such as these are best answered by trained vets.
It may be worth experimenting with different foods to see if this helps to solve the problem. Some breeds of dog are also more susceptible to upset stomachs and generally tend to have softer stools than other dogs, again, your vet should be able to confirm this when you visit.
Older dogs are also more prone to softer stool as they become weaker their bodies cannot fight off infection as well, in much the same way as humans. There is a chance that the softer excrement could be a sign of a greater, more serious problem such as a growth or cancer. It is for this reason that it is important to get your dog to a vet, just to be on the safe side.
The following explanation lists a number of examples but is by no means a diagnosis. To make sure that your dog is not ill it is always best to consult a vet as they will be more knowledgeable about the reasons and treatments for your dog. Vets can be expensive but their training equips them to be able to diagnose animals properly and help your animal to get better, therefore questions such as these are best answered by trained vets.
- What could cause softer excrement?
It may be worth experimenting with different foods to see if this helps to solve the problem. Some breeds of dog are also more susceptible to upset stomachs and generally tend to have softer stools than other dogs, again, your vet should be able to confirm this when you visit.
Older dogs are also more prone to softer stool as they become weaker their bodies cannot fight off infection as well, in much the same way as humans. There is a chance that the softer excrement could be a sign of a greater, more serious problem such as a growth or cancer. It is for this reason that it is important to get your dog to a vet, just to be on the safe side.