The number of puppies in each litter of Labrador Retrievers can vary. Some litters will contain only one puppy, but some can contain as many as 15. The average size of a Labrador Retriever's litter is between six and nine puppies.
Labrador Retrievers are a very popular dog and are the most registered breed of dog in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. They are extremely good assistance dogs and can also be used to provide protection by police and other officials for their detection abilities.
The average life span of a Labrador Retriever is 12 years, they grow to as big as 63 cm in height and can weigh as much as 60 kg. They have a short, smooth coat of hair and are normally black, dark brown or yellow in colour. The temperament of a Labrador Retriever is classed as kind and outgoing. They have a strong sense of smell and can follow the path of a scent to its origin.
The dogs are excellent family dogs and can gently hold objects in their mouths, such as eggs, without breaking them. This makes them ideal pets for families with children. A Labrador reaches maturity at three years of age, and the breed is not classed as noisy or territorial. They are a popular selection for use as guide dogs, because of their strong sense of smell, and their temperament. The breed is also used in lifesaving, hunting and disabled-assistance.
There are a number of famous Labradors. Endal, a British service dog that won the PDSA Gold Medal for Animal Gallantry and Devotion to Duty was the first dog to use an ATM chip and pin machine unaided. Lucky and Flo were twin counterfeit detection dogs who sniffed out 2 million counterfeit DVDs and received Malaysia's Outstanding service award.
Labrador Retrievers are a very popular dog and are the most registered breed of dog in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. They are extremely good assistance dogs and can also be used to provide protection by police and other officials for their detection abilities.
The average life span of a Labrador Retriever is 12 years, they grow to as big as 63 cm in height and can weigh as much as 60 kg. They have a short, smooth coat of hair and are normally black, dark brown or yellow in colour. The temperament of a Labrador Retriever is classed as kind and outgoing. They have a strong sense of smell and can follow the path of a scent to its origin.
The dogs are excellent family dogs and can gently hold objects in their mouths, such as eggs, without breaking them. This makes them ideal pets for families with children. A Labrador reaches maturity at three years of age, and the breed is not classed as noisy or territorial. They are a popular selection for use as guide dogs, because of their strong sense of smell, and their temperament. The breed is also used in lifesaving, hunting and disabled-assistance.
There are a number of famous Labradors. Endal, a British service dog that won the PDSA Gold Medal for Animal Gallantry and Devotion to Duty was the first dog to use an ATM chip and pin machine unaided. Lucky and Flo were twin counterfeit detection dogs who sniffed out 2 million counterfeit DVDs and received Malaysia's Outstanding service award.