Can Two Female Ferrets Live In Same Cage But Different Ages One Is 4 Months Other Two Yrs And Get Along?


1 Answers

Christine Meek Profile
Christine Meek answered
Yes absolutely.  Ferrets are very social animals.  I've had 6 ferrets both male and female, living in the same very large cage.   I always give them a time in quarantine when we bring a new ferret to our home.  Then we let them run and get acquainted.  Depending on how they do on the initial introduction will depend on whether or not, I keep separated and offer more supervised introductions or not.  Many times, I don't have to keep separated.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I have had the two ferrets for about five days now and they live seperately in the same room so they can see one another but as soon as I let them out play the older one goes right after the younger one and get into it but I have feeling that the older ferret was abused or neglected and is just starting to adjust to me handling her but still bnipping at me so I assume just needs more time adjusting.

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