If your dog panting heavily, won't leave your side and is acting strange it is probably best to contact a vet to determine what the cause of her odd behaviour is.
This does sound like your dog has an illness; however a vet could tell you how serious this issue is. It could be something not very major, there again it could be quite serious so it is better for peace of mind sakes to check it out.
To get in touch with a vet, use your internet or your local telephone directory to find a vet. Call the vets office and make an appointment. The vet will probably ask what seems to be wrong with the dog and may decide that the animal should be brought in as soon as possible.
The fact your dog won't leave your side may seem like something more serious is wrong and your dog is looking for your attention to resolve the matter. The fact your dog is shaking suggests a temperature related problem and you could be inclined to say she may have a fever; this could be caused by flu or a more serious virus.
The dog is possibly acting strange for the same reason as she doesn't feel well and may want to lie down and doesn't have the usual amount of energy or well-being that she usually has.
As all three things are happening at once, it is best to consider bringing the dog to a vet. It will more than likely be something quite simple and is probably nothing to worry about but it is always better to be safe than sorry.
This does sound like your dog has an illness; however a vet could tell you how serious this issue is. It could be something not very major, there again it could be quite serious so it is better for peace of mind sakes to check it out.
To get in touch with a vet, use your internet or your local telephone directory to find a vet. Call the vets office and make an appointment. The vet will probably ask what seems to be wrong with the dog and may decide that the animal should be brought in as soon as possible.
The fact your dog won't leave your side may seem like something more serious is wrong and your dog is looking for your attention to resolve the matter. The fact your dog is shaking suggests a temperature related problem and you could be inclined to say she may have a fever; this could be caused by flu or a more serious virus.
The dog is possibly acting strange for the same reason as she doesn't feel well and may want to lie down and doesn't have the usual amount of energy or well-being that she usually has.
As all three things are happening at once, it is best to consider bringing the dog to a vet. It will more than likely be something quite simple and is probably nothing to worry about but it is always better to be safe than sorry.