Why Would My Cat Be Stumbling Around? She Is Also Falling Over When She Shakes Her Head.


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In humans that is a sign of an ear infection.  You may want to call your local emergency vet just to be safe.  Make sure kitty is eating/drinking and using the bathroom.  You don't want dehydration to start.  You can give kitty some Gatorade, it is perfectly safe for them.  Start keeping a journal for now in case you don't see a change you can have her symptoms listed for the vet.  I wish kitty all the luck, I have 6 and they are like my children. Some felines have a disorder when they are about 5-7yrs and they don't know what causes it but you still should see a specialist.  You can also google search the same question to pull up more specific sites.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your cat may have a heart condition. Get your vet to listen to your cat's heartbeat and see if there's a murmur, then ask them to take an xray to check out the size of your cat's heart. This is a very serious situation. Your cat's heart could possibly be creating blood clots which can flow through the blood stream to it's hips, lungs, or brain. Most commonly it happens in the hips, and will cause your cat extreme pain. My advice is to take your cat to the vet right away. You might also want to research cardio myopathy in cats on the web... That will give you an idea of what you're up against, and what sort of treatments are available.
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
Could be a stroke, or she could actually be drunk.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Old age is probably a contributor to this, but there could be something more serious going on with her. These are a couple of sights that you can check out, and ask a vet, the first is www.netvet.com, and the other is www.petvet.com.

These sights I found just by typing in the top bar of the web, but if you type in veterinarians in the search bar, you will probably come up with a whole list of vets that you can contact.

I think I would just get her to a vet, and not wait on what an online vet would say, it could be a long time before they answer, and if you love your cat, you really don't want to make her suffer do you. Hope this helps, good luck.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
It could be a few things, a stroke, or something neurological making this happen. You should really take kitty to the vet to be looked at. Hope this helps, good luck to you.
martha Profile
martha answered
My last cat did have mini strokes- falling down, unable to move temporarily, being incontinent, making funny sounds etc.  She was very old, and these also were like seizures. But see your vet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She may be ill. I hate to say this, but my cat went through the same thing just a week ago. I didn't even know she was sick. All of the sudden, she literally just fell to her side and was looking at me with desperate eyes as though she didn't know what to do. I took her to an emergency animal hospital that night and put her down. It killed me in a way to leave her like that, but at the same time, I couldn't stand to see her in pain. Get him/her to help to see if there is any way you can save him/her. If not, I pray that you will let him/her go like I did. It totally sucks, but at least you know that they are no longer in pain....

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