What Should I Name My Pet Iguana?


5 Answers

Chris Scott Profile
Chris Scott answered
Godzilla comes to mind. Possibly sleestack (land of the lost).
Lisa Marie Halsey Muniz Profile
Iggy or Juana.  Whatever comes to your mind.  What names do you like, he/she is your pet.  Did you know in Mexico there are a lot of iguanas and they eat them.  My husbands family is from there and when I go there I think that is just disgusting.  They are all over down there.  Sorry about that unnecessary info.  You probably did not want to know that.  I just think that is way wrong what they do there.
Valentina Villa Profile
Valentina Villa answered
Greeny if it is green or spotty if it has spots. I would say it depends on how it looks.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Linda the beast
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Something uncommon... I named my snake taco because she flips her hideout over and lays in it and it reminded me of a taco.

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