
What Do Green Iguanas Eat?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mostly vegetables, fruit, grasses, flowers, sometimes small insects. It depends if it is a pet or in the wild. They do have iguana pellets. But every animal has it's own distinct personality, along with food likes, dislikes, and preferences.
My friend's iguana loved tomatoes. Mine didn't care for them, she went crazy over bananas.
It's trial and error. Good luck.
Kelly Walter Profile
Kelly Walter answered
Green Iguanas generally eat leafy greens such as collard greens, mustard greens, and red or green leaf lettuce.  Often, people believe that iceberg lettuce is good to feed to reptiles.  THIS IS A MISTAKE!  Iceberg lettuce contains next to no nutritional value being that it contains more water than anything else.  Broccoli and cauliflower are also great nutritional sources.  And never forget, for a tasty treat they will love... BANANAS!!!!!   YUM YUM!  
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They eat mostly fruit. Also veggies. And flowers. If they need to they eat bugs!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They love Hibiscus flowers and young green hibiscus leaves. Mango leaves and live termites. These are their favorites but it depends on if you are talking about green iguanas who are more veggie and would prefer fruits like banana, papaya mango etc. You have to consider what grows in their indigenous countries otherwise they will not receive their full healthy range of nutrition.
To be honest though having worked in Central America with Iguanas I would rather see them in their natural environment as for everyone in captivity at least several more have died on the way even if it has been born in the west.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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