What Are The Best Small Pet Snakes?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depends are you a beginner and have you researched what care is needed? I have a ball python and they are known for being picky eaters, and not really for beginners. Corn snakes are relatively easy to care for and come in many attractive colors. Garter snakes are nice as well.
Anastasia (nickname: Anya) Profile
Corn snakes have the worst attitude, sometimes they feel like eating a pinky with a brown spot on its back , or a cricket that is particularly a female. I perfer pythons and boa constrictors. I knew a lady who slept with her 6-foot long python. One day the python would'nt eat. He refused everything. One night he stretched himself to full lengh next to this lady, the next day the lady went to the vet. The vet told this lady the reason the python was doing this. He was measuring how long the lady was compared to his body. The snake had wanted to eat her.
The lady sold the python to a zoo.
thanked the writer.
Heather Horvat
Heather Horvat commented
Wow-I love my snake & all, but I can't imagine sleeping with him. Crazy. I've had my corn snake for 11 years, & he's been the Best pet. I've even been able to go back and forth between live & thawed. I used to feed him rats, but I give him 2 adult mice instead now-it's easier on several levels. He got a cold once (ever seen a snake sneeze?) I had to give him shots & force med down his throat, & even then he never displayed any aggressive behavior, save for squeezing my arm when I pricked him.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The best small snakes and rosy boa's.
They are very friendly and never bite. Just don't be scared

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