My Pug Is Getting Bald Spot After Giving Birth,what Is Wrong?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Females can get post partum alopecia (hair loss).  This is usually do to the stage of hair cycle when puppies were born.  This usually occurs 6-9 weeks after pregnancy and hair will return in a few weeks to months.  Increases in progesterone and estrogen can cause hair loss.  There are other endocrine problems that can lead to alopecia.
Also dermal parasites like mites and ringworm should be ruled out.
Have your dog examined by a veterinarian for examination, bloodwork, and skin tests.  You want to make sure she is healthy enough to nurse these pups and also doesn't have any thing contagious to the puppies.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have never owned a Pug but from the animals that I have owned the major reason that they have randomly had hair loss is from stress.  But I would contact a vet to ask them personally just to make sure

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