There is absolutely NO SUCH THING as a Teacup, Mini, Micro or Pocket Size Chihuahuas. They are Runts (the smallest puppy in the litter).Those terms are just terms that Backyard Breeders use, who breed one Runt to another Runt, in order to achieve smaller puppies, and charge you insane prices for the puppies. These breeders don't care anything about whether the mother lives or dies and if a mother does die during giving birth, they could care less, they just move on to the next Runt and the cycle just keeps repeating itself. Standard size Chihuahuas are tiny enough as it is. The Standard weight is 6 pounds. I used to breed Chihuahuas and I own #15 Spayed, Neutered and Microchipped Chihuahuas now. I have Runts, but they are from a Standard size mom and dad. Every litter has a Runt. I would never even consider breeding any of my Runts and I never did. Runts are too tiny to breed and it's way too risky to breed them. Their tiny bodies, are not built to carry and deliver puppies. The picture that I uploaded, is a picture of my Chihuahua Gigi and one of her puppies named Zoe. Zoe is obviously a Runt. Gigi passed away on August 10, 2008 from Liver Disease! She was the sweetest dog you would ever want to meet and words cannot describe how much I Miss Her and How much I Love Her!Just so you can get an idea of the difference in size is, between a Standard Size Chihuahua and a Runt!This is a close-up of Gigi! She weighed 6 pounds! is a Close-Up of Zoe. She weighs 3.3 cannot imagine putting a Runt through the trauma of having puppies and again, I Never bred any of my Runts. The picture in my Avatar, is a picture of my Runt Zoe, who weighs 3.3 pounds and her brother from the same litter named Gizmo, who weighs 6 pounds, when they were babies! The difference in size is amazing, but the fact is, that no matter how tiny a Chihuahua is, a Chihuahua is a Chihuahua! A Runt can be any weight under 6 pounds. Most of the time a Runt weighs in between 2 and 4 pounds.