
My 1 Week Old Kitten Is Vomiting. Why Does She Do This?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Kittens are unable to urinate and defecate on their own until they are about 21 days old.  The mother cat licks them after they eat to stimulate urination and defecation.  If you are bottle raising these cats you need to stimulate them using a moist rag or cotton ball and gently massage the genitals and anus.
If your kitten if vomiting or regurgitating after each meal there is something wrong.  It may be that you are feeding too much for the kitten's stomach to handle.  Another possibility is the kitten has a cleft palate.  Different infectious diseases kittens can get may cause vomiting.  Have your kitten examined by a veterinarian.  Little kittens fade quickly especially if they are not getting the appropriate nourishment.
A general rule of thumb for feeding orphaned kittens is:
60 milliliters of formula per pound of body weight divided into 4 equal feedings for the first week.
70 milliliters of formula per pound of body weight divided into 3 equal feedings for the second week
85 milliliters of formula per pound of body weight divided into 3 equal feedings for the third week
100 milliliters of formula per pound of body weight divided into 3 equal feedings for the fourth week
If you feel your kitten is hungry more often divide the feedings into 5-6 feedings a day.
Contact your veterinarian for help with this kitten.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Kittens can't be trained to use the litter at only 1 week old, you have to wait until they are at about 6 weeks old to start training them. It could be that the litter is making her sick. Just leave her in the bedding to take care of her business, it's the most minimal amount of urine that they pea, and it isn't going to hurt them in the least. If the vomiting continues, then you need to get it to the vet to have it looked at. Don't try to feed solids until the 6 weeks old also. Hope this helps, good luck to you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
New business The
Teresa Profile
Teresa answered
You shouldn't be feeding her anything, the momma cat should be doing that. Everything else....I agree with tiggersmom.

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