Actually, most who are bitten by brown recluses don't react any more than they would if they were bitten by a mosquito. It all depends on how susceptible you are to spider venom.
If you feel you have been bitten and are showing symptoms like swelling, itching, soreness, etc. And have a mark that is beginning to or is looking like a swollen bulls-eye target or giant red pimple you need to go to a doctor. Only when you do, MAKE SURE the doctor rules out Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (or MRSA). Many people who think they have been bitten by a Brown recluse were really bitten by MRSA and suffer long drawn out mistreatments till the medical staff finds out who the real culprit was. Some even die before they do. Many medical professionals have mistakenly diagnosed Brown recluse bites that were actually MRSA ...even in areas where the Brown recluse does not live.
Below are areas where the Brown spiders, Violin spiders or Loxosceles spiders (different names for the family to which Brown recluse belongs) live. The red area is where the Brown recluse lives and the other colored areas are territories of his relatives. His relatives are far less toxic and rarely dangerous to humans.
If you feel you have been bitten and are showing symptoms like swelling, itching, soreness, etc. And have a mark that is beginning to or is looking like a swollen bulls-eye target or giant red pimple you need to go to a doctor. Only when you do, MAKE SURE the doctor rules out Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (or MRSA). Many people who think they have been bitten by a Brown recluse were really bitten by MRSA and suffer long drawn out mistreatments till the medical staff finds out who the real culprit was. Some even die before they do. Many medical professionals have mistakenly diagnosed Brown recluse bites that were actually MRSA ...even in areas where the Brown recluse does not live.
Below are areas where the Brown spiders, Violin spiders or Loxosceles spiders (different names for the family to which Brown recluse belongs) live. The red area is where the Brown recluse lives and the other colored areas are territories of his relatives. His relatives are far less toxic and rarely dangerous to humans.