
Can You Put Kitty Litter In A Rabbit Cage?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can you put cat litter in a rabbit cage?
Yes, you can.

  • Use aspen wood shavings for the bedding throughout the cage or pen.
  • Then, for the litter pan, use a 100% natural clay kitty litter (none of the fancy stuff with clumping additives, fragrances, etc).
  • A cat litter with low dust is best to use.
  • It is completely safe to used cat litter in a rabbit's litter tray, and the rabbit will learn where to poop in the hutch very quickly.
Crystal  Gravitt Profile
Crystal Gravitt answered
You certainly can - and rabbits can be litter trained to run loose in the house - just like a cat.

Can you put kitty litter in a rabbit cage?
  • Just make sure any litter you buy is edible.
  • Rabbits like to chew on stuff and will sooner or later try to eat the cat litter.
  • Wood shavings would be a great litter to put in a rabbit cage. Just try to avoid the cedar ones as they have been rumored to cause breathing problems in small animals.
  • Usually any form of cat litter can used for rabbits, and they should quickly learn to do their business in the litter tray.

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