Crystal  Gravitt
Crystal Gravitt answered question
She could be. But you should never keep the buck(male) and the doe(female) together unsupervised. She could seriously hurt him if you are not watching. You should never take the buck to the does cage for mating either. ALWAYS take the doe to the bucks cage. A female rabbit is very territorial. She will want … Read more
Crystal  Gravitt
Crystal Gravitt answered
Newborn rabbits have something that certainly looks like teeth. But they can't use them for chewing for a few weeks. It usually takes about 3 to 4 weeks after birth for the baby rabbit to be able to eat food other than their mothers milk. By then you should certainly be able to see (and … Read more
Crystal  Gravitt
Crystal Gravitt answered question
Claws and teeth! I have several rabbits and my oldest female fave me a very good bite on my wrist. I still have a scar. I also used to have a lot of scratches. Until I learned to properly hold my rabbits. They have very strong back feet with pretty big claws. If you ever … Read more
Crystal  Gravitt
Crystal Gravitt answered question
Long story short, a rabbit will stomp it's foot when it is not happy. This could be for many reasons. I have some females who will stomp at the male to let them know that they are not interested in breeding. I had rabbits who would stomp at me for quite a few months until … Read more