
How Long Can My Dog Stay Alive For?


3 Answers

KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
There are many factors in how long a dog can live including breed, size and care. I've known and heard of 24 and 25 year old dogs though that's VERY old and very unusual and most aren't in very good shape. So, what kind of dog, is it overweight, is it spayed or neutered, any health problems, what do you feed and how often do you see your vet for a start and we can maybe give you an average
:-). Actually we can probably give you an average range by breed and/or size though if there's any health problems that might make it different.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm not sure about these answers, but my dog is 54, and its still alive. But if it does die, then ill cry till my eyes fall out. And I love my dog. I been living with my dog for about 5 years, and the other years, my grandma had it. My grandma had the dog wen she was little. And she loved the dog as much as I love the dog too. I named my dog OREO because my dog is black and white, just like a OREO :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depends on the breed of dog.

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