
Why Would A Puppy Be Born With A Stub Tail?


1 Answers

Ronin Profile
Ronin answered
Depending on the breed of the puppy - it could be a hereditary trait. I have Australian Shepherds, and have also had Rottweilers. Occasionaly in a litter in those breeds a pup will be born with what is called a natural bob tail (NBT). There's nothing wrong with this occurring - just natures way.

Though if it does concern you, or your pup seems to be straining when going to the bathroom - you may want to have your vet check the puppy out to be on the safe side.

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Sometimes a pup will be compressed against his brother or sister in the womb and that prevents the appendage from growing. My golden is missing the top of one of his toes due to this.

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