
My Dog Has Begun To Shake Uncontrollably As If She Was Cold, But She Isn't Cold. What's Up? Waht Should I Do?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Shaking is symptom and there are many diseases and conditions that can cause shaking/shivering/tremors in dogs. Differential diagnosis is necessary before start of treatment.

Tremors and shaking in dogs can be due encephalitis, cerebral abnormalities, trauma, vestibular disease, neurological problems, weakness, pain, renal failure, low blood sugar levels, spinal problems, neuromuscular diseases, genetic and unknown causes.  

Diagnosis may include complete blood count, x-rays, myelography, CSF tap test, and Ct scan. So, you should visit a vet for differential diagnosis and proper treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog is a schnauzer. He shakes his head a lot. The vet found yeast in his ears, prescribed an ointment, and told me to give him an allergy medication. It does not appear that your dog is experiencing the same problem as mine, however. Perhaps you might find out more information from owners of dogs of the same breed. If you don't have your dog on a strict diet, now might be the time to start him on one until he can be properly diagnosed and treated.  
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Like in human beings Seizures are one of the most frustrating things to deal with. Seizures are a result of anything that can cause an uncontrolled electrical outburst in the brain. They can vary from very mild, staring episodes, slight stiffening and shaking if your dog shakes a lot, it would be good to investigate and identify if he is not a victim of this condition. Good luck.
Coriander Spun Profile
Coriander Spun answered
It could be seizures, low blood sugar, or lack of vitamins.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog is 9 month and is shaking a lot since it was 4 month please help me
Julie Woods Profile
Julie Woods answered
Your dog may be having SEIZURES!  Get him to the vet as soon as possible.  Seizures cause brain damage or death in animals.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My female pit bull sometimes shakes and pants, usually in the morning. She used to do this when she was going into heat, but now she is fixed. Why would this happen?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dogs been doing the same thing and I'm like really scared!! And its a yorkie so they an they have health  problems so that scares me even more!!! Plzzzz tell me whats going on!!
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Something is obviously bothering him. At first, I thought he might have a fever, but this doesn't sound right. Go to, this is supposed to be a free site, and you can ask a vet questions about your pet.

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