
What does a buzzard eat?


3 Answers

K. B.  Baldwin Profile
K. B. Baldwin answered

Occasionally see a bunch of them along side the road cleaning up a auto-killed deer, and one time a dead sheep ib a pastuyre. 

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

Old world buzzards buteo buteo feed primarily upon carrion and roadkill but can take small birds, rodents (and when times are tough insects and other invertebrates). What is less well known is that buzzards are themselves a prey species. The remains of buzzards have been found in peregrine falcon nests. That's pretty good hunting by the peregrine who is only two thirds the size and weight of a buzzard. (And a buzzard is pretty well-equipped to look after itself).

Charles Davis Profile
Charles Davis answered

Buzzards eat nearly anything already dead. I've even came across them in the middle of the road eating road kill. They are scavengers, and eat things other animals have killed. A Buzzard is generally in reference to a vulture, in the US. But can also refer to a few other species as well. It is also at times in reference to a few species of hawk.

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