Are Dogs' Mouths Cleaner Than Ours?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A human has one of the most deadly mouths there is.  We have very nasty bacterium in our mouths, which are part of our immune system.  This is one reason we are supposed to chew our food well, because the saliva carries these "germs" which kill other germs with are potentially dangerous to us.  Yes and no about a dog's mouth being cleaner.  They are different germs for the most part than what we carry, and germs a dog carry are unlikely to effect a human badly, whereas the germs we carry often can effect you badly. So it depends on how you view "cleanliness".. A lack of nasty sounding stuff... Or lack of dangerous germs.   A bite from a human is one of the most dangerous there is, and you can get blood poisoning very easy that way.  I was curious enough about it that I asked my doctor, and he said that part was true.
That being said, our hands are dirtier and deadlier yet.  You are more likely to get a disease by shaking hands with a person, than you would be if you kissed that person.
martha Profile
martha answered
I have heard some people say yes it is, but I would disagree.  You know what dog's put in their mouths, and eat and it is gross.  So I think a person's mouth is far cleaner than any animals esp a dog  ( I once saw one of my neighbors dogs eat the other dogs #2 so how could that be cleaner!)
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Dogs will do that. The purpose is to get germs into their stomachs which aid in digestion. Apparently, they have to renew the germs every now and then or they lose the germs. Ours never go away as far as I know... though some people have to take pills to help with digesting milk, for instance, which are bacterium.
Melissa Williams Profile
No way. A dog uses its tongue for a wash cloth AND toilet paper...I have personally witnessed a human being allowing a dog to lick the inside of his mouth, and it was... Unpleasant to behold. Say what you will about the relative cleanliness of the canine mouth vs. The human, I'd rather be French-kissed by a human being than a dog any day
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well thats a big fat duh.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well Ive heard that dogs have a certain chemical in their stomach that  reacts to germs and sometimes comes up in their mouths. That's why dogs can eat and drink things that we cant and not get sick.
marissa lopez Profile
marissa lopez answered
A dogs lips are supposably very clean because something about them kill bacteria thats on them. But of course not there tounge or inside of the mouth because they lick stuff that is just discusting!
Pat Merrifield Profile
Pat Merrifield answered
No, a dog does not clean its mouth in any way ever plus the manner in which they clean their own body guarantees their mouth to be much more germ infected than our own. If we never brushed our teeth and used our tongues for cleaning of our genital areas then it would probably be a toss-up.

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