They don't all go off their food a few may actually go the other way (often with more vomiting). She's staying steady with the low temp. Or has she been bouncing around in that respect? Once she stays steady labor should progress within 24 hours or time to evaluate again and maybe see if oxytocin can help get things back on the right track.
She's within normal gestation period? Recent visual looked like there weren't going to be problems based on the pups themselves? What breed and how many pups are there?This is her first litter? The temperature drop and labor not progressing into the next stage within 24 hours of that can indicate a problem when things just stop or go into limbo like that. They usually go within 2 to 12 of the actual drop but can be longer. You may even have pups by now. :-) Good Luck!
She's within normal gestation period? Recent visual looked like there weren't going to be problems based on the pups themselves? What breed and how many pups are there?This is her first litter? The temperature drop and labor not progressing into the next stage within 24 hours of that can indicate a problem when things just stop or go into limbo like that. They usually go within 2 to 12 of the actual drop but can be longer. You may even have pups by now. :-) Good Luck!