My Dog Is Missing The Top Layer On One Of His Paw Pads. What Can I Do To Ease The Pain And Help With Healing?


1 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Time and protecting the paw are the best medicine.  When dogs damage their pads the pads can become infected easily since this is the surface of the body dogs walk on and dogs often lick injured areas.  Your veterinarian can examine the paw to determine if antibiotics are needed, show you how to bandage the foot, and start your dog on pain medication.  An Elizabethan Collar is another tool used to prevent dogs from licking wounds or removing bandages.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Thanks! I applied Iodine and a gauze bandage (loosely), with a self-adhesive tape. I have also had him in the collar tonight. My vet's office is closed until Monday. I plan on changing the bandage after applying more Iodine tomorrow. Am I on the right track? Should I still take him to the vet or let it heal naturally?
Anonymous commented
I would see how it looks on Monday. Change the bandage daily. Call your veterinarian on Monday with further questions. Good luck!

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